Winding and Braiding high quality own production. Catalogue Machines of Braiding | Melitrex Desio Italy

MELITREX is being specialized on construction of braiding machine type 80, 104, 120, 130, 140, 145, 170, 256, for production of rigid and elastic cords, round or flat, for curtaining, nautical fittings, fabrics coverings – metallic – gold – silver – copper and its accessories.
Melitrex has developed its capacity on besting of qualities of materials and elaboration of braider machines, making it always more competitive and on long durability.

Braiding Machines 140 own production high quality Construction of Braiding Machines | Melitrex Desio Italy


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How to reach us

With car
take motorway Milan/Bologna with Milan direction.
Follow indications for Est orbital and after North orbital.
Follow Como indications.
Take Milano/Meda freeway.
Exit N° 9 Bovisio Masciago.Milan/Venice
Take motorway Milan/Venice with Milan direction.
Follow indications for Est orbital and after North orbital.
Follow Como indications.
Take Milano/Meda freeway.
Exit N° 9 Bovisio Masciago.
Take motorway Milan/Torino with Milan direction.
Exit Cormano.
Take Milano/Meda Freeway.
Exit N° 9 Bovisio Masciago.

Our Contacts

Telephones: +39 362 302681 – +39 362 302690
Fax: +39 362 303855
Email: info@melitrex.com
Mail Pec: melitrexsrl@legalmail.it
Codice Univoco: M5UXCR1
Address: Don Luigi Sturzo 27 Street
20033 Desio (MI) Italy